Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tonights the night
Love and be loved
Norms show starts at 7

This is it
The time is now
I feel like I am in heaven

What a thrill to share our story
After all its been 20 years
I cant say i am sorry

For coming out,
For loving you
For speaking out

They called you queer
They called you gay
But to me you were just you

The labels I hope will fall away
And we will just be ouselves
Living and Loving the way we do

Will I meet you in heaven
Will you still be there?
Do you know how much i care


  1. Beautiful words. I wish I could see the show....

  2. Thanks L. Lovely to see you here. These were Annie's words. I would like to introduce you both. L. this is Annie my partner in crime. Annie, this is L. my very close friend, we met and meet on-line.
